Elevate Your Integrity with Intelligence

Experience AI-driven solutions to enhance
ethical standards and foster a culture of
integrity in your organisation.

Revolutionising Ethics Training

AI-empowered technology to address the ethical and integrity management needs of large corporations & SMEs

How it Works

The Challenge of Scale

In a world where ethical violations can cost billions and reputational damage is

irreparable, traditional tick-box compliance exercises and manual ethics training fall short. The

challenge? To educate and impact behaviour on a large scale without diluting the message.

How We Solve It

Our AI-Driven Solution"

IntegrityIQ offers an integrated, AI-driven platform focusing on key dimensions of

organisational integrity management. Personalised training, ethical risk assessments, secure

whistleblowing opportunities, and more — all at your fingertips.

Discover Our Features

Why Choose IntegrityIQ?

Display this section with icons and short explanations for each key benefit, such as personalised content, scalability, cost savings, AI-driven processes, and comprehensive reporting.

Personalised ethics and compliance training

Ethical risk and culture assessment

Immersive learning designed for behaviour change

Guided whistle blowing

Proprietary data base of ethical dilemmas

Heatmap with relevant integrity metrics

Benchmarking – internal and external

Secured data

About Us

IntegrityIQ & Learnovate team

IntegrityIQ is a pioneer in the realm of ethical business operations, driven by the conviction that ethical integrity is at the heart of sustainable success. We are a technology company at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and corporate ethics, creating innovative solutions for businesses of all sizes, from SMEs to multinational corporations.

Our story began with a vision to address a pressing global issue – the widespread and costly effects of unethical business behaviour. Despite numerous regulatory and compliance measures, businesses continue to suffer losses from unethical practices, impacting their bottom line, reputation, and overall sustainability. Recognising this, we sought to create a proactive solution, not just to treat symptoms, but to instigate genuine behavioural change.

Contact Us

For more information or to stay in touch, please send a message to daniel.malan@tcd.ie